8 things you still can’t do (even though lockdown has eased)


By Adebola Aduwo


8 things you still can’t do (even though lockdown has eased)

Lockdown has eased significantly over the past few weeks. But our lives cannot go back to normal yet. In no way has the pandemic come to an end.  

If you’ve been watching MTV Shuga Alone Together you’ll have seen Mbali gets stung after going to a party –  because, guys, there are some things we should just not do yet. 

Here are 8 things you must still avoid, even though lockdown has eased.  


1 – Going to public spaces without a face mask


I took a drive around town recently and I was shocked by the number of people who were out without wearing face masks. It looked almost as though the pandemic was on some sort of break. To lower the spread of COVID-19, please make face masks a part of your daily outfits. 


2 – Going to religious events or conferences 

This is not the time to be in big crowds or congregations.


3 – Throwing a party or hosting friends unnecessarily 


Can we just stick to zoom drinks for a bit longer?


4 – Hugs and handshakes  


Toe tapping is going to have to suffice for a while.


5 – Thinking you can wash your hands less 


If you’re not washing your hands with soap and water regularly, or using hand sanitiser, you are a problem.


6 – Going to the gym 


We know you love staying fit and we can assure you that home workout routines are just as effective. 


7 – Using cash 


We know this isn’t always possible, but wherever possible use the card or bank transfer options to avoid contact.


8 – Self medicating. 


If you notice symptoms of the virus, reach out to the helplines here or use the WHO Chatbot.

While we count down to a time when COVID-19 finally becomes a thing of the past, we have to do all we possibly can to stay safe and healthy. 

If you haven’t, don’t forget to check out MTV Shuga Alone Together, a new mini-series that takes us on a journey into the realities of our new normal since #LockdownLife.


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