What To Do if You Think You Have COVID-19

First of all – don’t panic.
- Speak Up:
- If you think you have COVID-19. It is important that you tell people you are in close contact with. You should tell your family members, your partner, roommates or people you live with and your co-workers. If the list includes your domestic workers – cleaners, house girls/boys, chefs – you should let them know too.
- Self-isolate:
- Social distancing is important. Stay away from people because you might infect them too. Staying away will save a life!
- Avoid public areas and public transport:
- If you fear that you are infected with COVID-19, avoid public areas and public transport; because you might infect people.
Many people develop mild symptoms like a cough and mild fever. If you develop more severe symptoms such as high fever, a consistent cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical advice as soon as possible over the phone. Calling your health care provider in advance will allow them to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also help to prevent the possible spread of COVID-19. You can find helpline numbers here.
- Hyper-hygiene:
- You should: wash your hands more thoroughly and frequently than you used to (not just after using the toilet but before eating, cooking, after playing, etc); shower more often; cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze with a tissue – or into the crook of your arm if you don’t have one; wash your clothes and bedsheets more frequently.
- Limit contact with pets and animals:
- The risk of animals spreading COVID-19 is believed to be low. However, you should avoid pets and animals if you fear you have been infected.
- Disinfect bathrooms and commonly used surfaces:
- The CDC has put together a complete guide of decontaminating commonly-used items and surfaces, such as phones, toilets, doorknobs, and counters. They also have approved products and DIY (do it yourself) tips.
- Wear gloves when touching possibly infected items like used clothing or bedding:
- Wearing gloves helps your hands stay clean; this way, you won’t get infected when you touch commonly used items.
- Don’t share cups, bedding, towels, utensils with anyone:
- Protect the people around you.
Here is a list of helplines for where you are.
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