Un couple sérodiscordant peut avoir des enfants.


By Amenan Tanoh


Un couple sérodiscordant peut avoir des enfants naturellement grâce à la PrEP.

La Prophylaxie pré exposition (PrEP), est un moyen de prévention de l’infection à VIH. Elle consiste en la prise de médicaments antirétroviraux par une personne non infectée mais exposée à un haut risque de contracter le VIH par voie sexuelle. Cette nouvelle méthode de prévention contre le VIH est complémentaire aux autres existants déjà.

Pour rappel, la PrEP s’adresse :

  • Aux hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec d’autres hommes ;
  • Aux travailleur-euse-s du sexe ;
  • Aux usager-e-s de drogues ;
  • Aux adolescentes et jeunes filles de 15-24 ans en contexte de vulnérabilité ;
  • Aux couples séro-différents (si le partenaire infecté n’est pas en suppression virale).

C’est à cette dernière catégorie de personne que nous nous intéressons dans cet article. En effet, grâce aux avancées de la médecine, le VIH n’est plus une fatalité. Mieux ! Les personnes séropositives peuvent avoir une vie épanouie si elles suivent correctement leur traitement ARV et peuvent avoir une relation saine avec une personne séronégative. Cela à condition de respecter scrupuleusement les recommandations des spécialistes de la santé. Ainsi, il est désormais possible pour une personne séronégative de concevoir naturellement avec son/sa partenaire.

Comment cela est-il possible ?

Grâce à la PrEP, un couple sérodiscordant peut avoir des relations sexuelles non-protégées en vue de procréer. Attention ! La PrEP ne protège pas des autres IST. C’est pourquoi, la PrEP doit être accompagnée d’un suivi régulier en santé sexuelle (dépistage et prise en charge des IST).

Quels sont les avantages de la PrEP ?

  • Empêche le virus du VIH de survivre dans le corps et permet ainsi de rester séronégatif.
  • Attenue la peur de contracter le VIH devant une éventuelle exposition.
  • Moyen additionnel de se protéger contre le VIH.

Comment se prend la PrEP ?

Pour toute personne éligible, la PrEP s’administre entre 1-7 jours après la première consultation.

La PrEP se prend de 2 façons :

  • En continue : pour les femmes et les hommes. Il s’agit de prendre 1 comprimé tous les jours et à la même heure pendant une certaine période. En cas de prise continue le traitement est efficace après 7 jours de prise chez les hommes et 21 jours chez les femmes.
  • En discontinue : uniquement pour les hommes (voir un conseiller de santé).

Dans tous les cas, une fois que partenaire séropositif est en suppression virale, c’est-à-dire que le virus du VIH devient indétectable, il n’est plus nécessaire de prendre la PrEP. Cette décision doit être prise après avis médical et à condition que la personne séropositive continue de suivre rigoureusement son traitement.

Vous pouvez parler à un spécialiste en ligne ou prendre rendez-vous dans une clinique pour des conseils en santé sexuelle et autres besoins de services. Plus d’infos sur www.ngouan.com/35000.


Ce contenu a été rendu possible grâce au partenariat entre MTV Shuga Babi et PEPFAR, USAID et EpiC.

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As a seasoned investor in the cryptocurrency market, I had always prided myself on being vigilant and knowledgeable when it came to the security of my assets. Over the years, I had weathered the inevitable ups and downs of the market, yet nothing could have prepared me for the day I fell victim to a sophisticated phishing scam. In an instant, I lost a substantial amount of Ethereum, and the feeling of helplessness and frustration that followed was overwhelming. I thought all was lost and that no one could help me recover my assets. But then, through some quick research and a few trusted recommendations, I discovered TrustGeeks Hack Expert Web-site. https://trustgeekshackexpert.com/ the best Ethereum recovery company in the industry. I was initially skeptical, as I had heard many promises of asset recovery that turned out to be scams themselves. However, after contacting their team Via Email.. Trustgeekshackexpert@fastservice..com , I quickly realized I had found the right experts. From the first consultation, TrustGeeks Hack Expert team of expert cryptographers and cybersecurity specialists demonstrated an impressive level of professionalism and knowledge. They took the time to thoroughly understand the specifics of my situation, carefully assessing the details of the phishing attack. Unlike many other companies that rush through the process, they listened to every detail I shared, ensuring they had a clear understanding of how the scam had unfolded. What truly set TrustGeeks Hack Expert apart was their unwavering dedication to recovering my stolen assets. They explained the recovery process in clear, understandable terms, walking me through each step as they worked behind the scenes to track down the stolen Ethereum. Their team employed state-of-the-art tools and techniques that I couldn’t have even imagined, leveraging their expertise in cryptography and blockchain technology to trace the stolen funds across the network. Throughout the entire process, the communication from TrustGeeks Hack Expert was exceptional. They kept me informed at every stage, offering updates and guidance. It was evident that they were not just working on recovering my funds but were genuinely invested in helping me regain my peace of mind. After what felt like a long and nerve-wracking journey, TrustGeeks Hack Expert succeeded in recovering my stolen Ethereum. In the end, what I thought was an irreversible loss turned into a story of recovery and resilience, all thanks to TrustGeeks Hack Expert dedicated team. I am now a firm believer in their expertise and services, and I would highly recommend them to anyone facing similar challenges in the cryptocurrency space. They truly stand out as the best Ethereum recovery company, offering hope when it seemed like all was lost.

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As a seasoned investor in the cryptocurrency market, I had always prided myself on being vigilant and knowledgeable when it came to the security of my assets. Over the years, I had weathered the inevitable ups and downs of the market, yet nothing could have prepared me for the day I fell victim to a sophisticated phishing scam. In an instant, I lost a substantial amount of Ethereum, and the feeling of helplessness and frustration that followed was overwhelming. I thought all was lost and that no one could help me recover my assets. But then, through some quick research and a few trusted recommendations, I discovered TrustGeeks Hack Expert the best Ethereum recovery company in the industry. I was initially skeptical, as I had heard many promises of asset recovery that turned out to be scams themselves. However, after contacting their team Via Email.. Trustgeekshackexpert@fastservice..com , I quickly realized I had found the right experts. From the first consultation, TrustGeeks Hack Expert team of expert cryptographers and cybersecurity specialists demonstrated an impressive level of professionalism and knowledge. They took the time to thoroughly understand the specifics of my situation, carefully assessing the details of the phishing attack. Unlike many other companies that rush through the process, they listened to every detail I shared, ensuring they had a clear understanding of how the scam had unfolded. What truly set TrustGeeks Hack Expert apart was their unwavering dedication to recovering my stolen assets. They explained the recovery process in clear, understandable terms, walking me through each step as they worked behind the scenes to track down the stolen Ethereum. Their team employed state-of-the-art tools and techniques that I couldn’t have even imagined, leveraging their expertise in cryptography and blockchain technology to trace the stolen funds across the network. Throughout the entire process, the communication from TrustGeeks Hack Expert was exceptional. They kept me informed at every stage, offering updates and guidance. It was evident that they were not just working on recovering my funds but were genuinely invested in helping me regain my peace of mind. After what felt like a long and nerve-wracking journey, TrustGeeks Hack Expert succeeded in recovering my stolen Ethereum. In the end, what I thought was an irreversible loss turned into a story of recovery and resilience, all thanks to TrustGeeks Hack Expert dedicated team. I am now a firm believer in their expertise and services, and I would highly recommend them to anyone facing similar challenges in the cryptocurrency space. They truly stand out as the best Ethereum recovery company, offering hope when it seemed like all was lost.

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