My MTV Shuga Journey



Shugafam, we love hearing how MTV Shuga has changed your life in big and small ways. It shines a light on the whole reason we have a campaign like Shuga.

So now when you access our site you will find us sharing some inspiring and hopefully encouraging real life stories. If you would like to share your own personal story – be it funny, moving, emotional, uplifting – then please email us at Continue reading to find out how Elvis’s life changed when he made the decision to became one of MTV Shuga’s peer educators.


My MTV Shuga Journey

My MTV Shuga journey can be summarized by four ‘E’s- edutainment, employment, experience and empowerment. Being involved in MTV Shuga has so far been nothing short of a fun filled experience, packed with positive adventures and edutainment (education infused with entertainment).


How I came to be a peer educator

I started thinking about being a peer educator as far back as my primary school days; there has always been this innate desire in me to share information, ideas and innovation with my peers. By virtue of my course (public health), I became more engaged with NGO’s and this took my desire for peer education to the next level.


What I have learnt so far…

The peer education training sessions with MTV Shuga have been the most innovative yet. Prior to MTV Shuga, my work as a peer educator was awkward at times.  This was mainly because we were using really formal guides and it wasn’t being received as well as it could be.

MTV Shuga made me work more intelligently rather than working harder. This is the first media oriented intervention that swept me off my feet. Using the  series for my work makes it more fun, productive and less tiring. The training really helped me realise the need for passing accurate, simple and up to date information to my peers. MTV Shuga taught me to be more innovative, adventurous and passion oriented.


What I’ve done as peer educator…

My love for the MTV Shuga project and the ideology has seen me make strides in taking peer education to the next level: the activities and the work I have accomplished as a peer educator have been varied but extensive! One of the best memories I have, was of us carrying out the first MTV Shuga media outreach in Calabar (Unical). Over 300 people attended and were counselled and tested for HIV.  It was great to be a part of it. I have been able to increase awareness and knowledge level on HIV and awaken young people to the realities of life, using MTV Shuga as a tool.


How MTV Shuga has impacted my life…

MTV Shuga is much more than HIV awareness, counseling and testing. MTV Shuga encompasses every facet of our everyday life. MTV Shuga touches decision making, Gender Based violence (GBV), Gender Equality, life skills, and perceptions.
MTV Shuga has educated, empowered, employed and given me so much experience. Working with MTV Shuga has given me a platform for endless opportunities and its investment in the wellbeing of young people is impressive.

MTV Shuga’s greatest impact in my life is giving me an avenue to reach a large number of young people, sharing their stories, educating them, and above all creating positive change in their lives especially their sexual and reproductive

The Shuga experience has offered me a platform to impact greatly on the lives of young people. I lost my birth given name, only for it to be replaced with names like “Mr. Shuga”, “Shuga Boy”, and “Dr. Shuga”.


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