5 Reasons Why Your Pull Out Game is Weak
Think your pull out game is strong? Think again…
Whether you’re a guy or a girl, it seems that a lot of us are deciding to use the pull out technique as our preferred choice of contraception.
When MTVNewsish ran a Twitter poll a little while back, 40% of us said we use the withdrawal method to prevent pregnancy. That was the MOST popular choice, coming head and shoulders above the pill, an injection or the IUD. With so many of us deciding that pulling out is the way to go, perhaps it’s time that we dug a little deeper…
‘Pulling Out’ or the ‘Withdrawal Method’ is a practice that has been around long before we even came up with a word for it. It refers to the act (with no condom on) whereby a man withdraws from a woman just as he’s about to ejaculate, in order to prevent pregnancy.
It is an unreliable method of preventing pregnancy because it may or may not work for a number of reasons.
For one, the withdrawal method doesn’t account for pre-ejaculation, meaning that you are possibly risking pregnancy way before you’re even close to finshing. Also, it requires a whole lot of trust between partners as it involves unprotected sex. The thing about this method is that it requires the man to be able to know when they are reaching the point of no return, and whether they can delay their ejaculation or not. People seem to think this is a form of ‘contraception because “no sperm reaches the egg when I pull out”, but keep on reading to find out whether there’s any truth to this.
1) HIV & STIs
I will start with the most important reason, which is that; it does not protect you against HIV/AIDS. It may be possible to get a host of other infections too, such as Chlamydia/HPV by not using a condom.
2) You’re Only Human
It’s not really effective!!! Let’s not front, sometimes it gets so heated and good that we get lost in the moment, so it’s quite possible to pull out too late or ejaculate a little bit before pulling out. Also, we’re human. In the heat of the moment we could forget that we have to pull out. Even if semen gets on the outer genitals (vulva), pregnancy may be possible as sperm can swim quicker than your boy Michael Phelps.
3) Third Wheel
If you and Bae decide on round two, it is quite possible that some of his sperm cells can hang onto his tool and remain active. These bad boys can ride on the pre-cum and in some reported cases cause pregnancy, making pulling out pointless.
4) Poor Substitution
The ‘withdrawal method’ tends to be less effective than other forms of contraception as there are no guarantees. It’s all dependent on the individual, whereas with a pill or IUD you are guaranteed more protection against pregnancy (not 100% but that’s a story for another day). In fact, if you use the pulling out method you’re 27 times more likely to fall pregnant than those who use the daily pill.
5) Mistakes Are Bound to Happen
Many young people choose this method because of the fear of having to go and ask for contraceptives, as they fear being judged for “having sex at such a young age”. Most of us have not been educated that much on sex, so mistakes are bound to happen when we are trying to protect ourselves without having the information we need.
There you have it! Your pull-out game is officially weak! What happens though if you’re getting down and you’ve run out of condoms? Take a deep breath, get it together and just chill. If you can’t get hold of condoms nearby then take a step back and wait till you do. The moment will pass but HIV, pregnancy, and some STIs do not. HIV, pregnancy & a host of STIs are things that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
During our polling in episode 8 of MTV Shuga: Down South, we asked YOU: ‘If you run out of condoms, what are you most likely to do?’
The majority of you at home said you would either wait or search for condoms rather than have unprotected sex. That’s a big number, but #RealTalk: how many of you would actually wait if you ran out of condoms?
A lot of people use the pull out technique as their go-to method when it comes to contraception. Yet, with all the evidence stacked up against this method, is it time we explored other forms of contraception when protecting our sexual health? Have you ever used this method and what was the outcome? Any lessons you wish to share with the Shugafam?
Let us know what YOU think on our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube pages, and become part of the discussion…
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