5 Things We Can All Learn From The Men Of MTV Shuga

So much happened in MTV Shuga Naija 2 and the men of MTV Shuga taught us some important life lessons! From Femi’s bravery to Tobi’s , we can all learn something from the men of MTV Shuga.
Femi – Courage (in revealing his status)
Femi did the unexpected this season! After Sheila’s parents threatened to reveal his HIV status, Femi decided to take matters into his own hands by revealing his status to the whole world. HIV-positive people often deal with stigma from society, but Femi changed people’s perspectives on what it means to be HIV-positive and in a magnetic relationship. By taking control of a negative situation and turning it into a positive, Femi showed real courage. Well done Femi! You’re the real MVP.
The lesson here is: It takes courage to make a change.
Tobi – Selflessness
It was no secret this season that Tobi had a massive crush on Sheila, and we all got to see how gutted he was to find out she was already in a relationship with Femi. So when Sheila’s brother, Michael, reached out with a plan to blackmail Femi and reveal his status as well as a 350k bribe, how could Tobi not resist? But Tobi schooled everyone on the laws against revealing a person’s status and ultimately showed strength of character and selflessness by putting his feelings for Sheila aside and warning Femi ahead of time.
Well done Tobi! We knew you always had a heart of gold!
The lesson here is: Temptation will come in many forms, but you always have a choice. Choose wisely.
Leo – No Means No
Leo and Sophie’s relationship initially started as a fairytale, Leo was the supportive, patient and thoughtful boyfriend every girl dreams of, but this dream was soon shattered. Every MTV Shuga fan was shocked as Leo became such a wildcard! His lack of understanding of ‘No means No’ when Sophie wasn’t ready for a sexual relationship disappointed us all. Leo quickly realized what he had done and apologized to Sophie but as the damage had already been done, it was just a little too late.
The lesson here is: Men, when a woman says no, don’t push it, force it or try to get your way. Just stop.
Weki- Honesty is always the best policy
After initially dealing with HIV stigma from his football team last season, it was understandable that Weki was a bit apprehensive about revealing his status to Leila. However, what is a successful relationship without complete honesty? Weki learnt this the hard way after Leila discovered his status and found it difficult to forgive him for not being open and honest! And especially for not telling her about his HIV status before they had sex for the first time!
Sigh! Oh Weki! Everyone makes mistakes and thankfully Weki learnt his lesson and Leila was able to forgive him.
The lesson here is: Be honest with your partner, when it comes to a sexual relationship you have a duty to tell them about anything that might put them at risk.
Nii – No crime goes unpunished
It almost seemed like Nii got away with his evil and despicable behavior towards his wife, Malaika. Although she found the strength to leave their abusive marriage, Nii seemed to get away with his sadistic behavior. And with the naïve young Mary, Nii became too comfortable and also physically abused her. But this time, Nii got what he deserved! Mary and her mum mustered up the courage to report Nii to the police and he was arrested. Sexual assault, rape, domestic violence and other cruel crimes definitely deserve serious repercussions.
The lesson here is: A woman is not a punching bag. Assault – of any kind – is a punishable crime.
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