Abuse is never the victim’s fault!



If you’ve been keeping up with MTV Shuga, you know Shuga Naija 2 has a lot of juicy storylines – from the Leo and Sophie breakdown, to the Weki and Leila drama – but the most talked about situation has to be Mary’s relationship with Nii.

Mary was seduced by the older & attractive Nii. He took advantage of her naivety and her parents’ financial struggles and found a way to manipulate them. There are divided opinions as to who’s to blame for what happened to Mary. Was it her fault? Nii’s fault? Or her parents? Watching the MTV Shuga scenes, you could argue all three have some share of the blame.

However, the fault DEFINITELY lies with that of the abuser and never the victim – so Nii is in the wrong and deserves to be punished for what he did. Yet, only 19% agree that Nii was to blame for his attack on Mary. Shugafam, why do you think this is? Why should a victim have to go through a traumatic experience then also be blamed for it?

Watch this video below featuring ‘Aunty Lilian and Mary’ and let us know if you’re more like Aunty Lillian or Mary in your views.

If you’ve been affected by sexual violence and need help or someone to talk to, you can contact: The Mirabel Sexual Assault and Referral Centre at Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH) based in Ikeja. t: 0811 555 4877 / 0818 724 3468 / open 08:30-17:30.


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