Enter the MTV Shuga quiz and you could win a goody bag

Shugafam, we have the perfect give away for you or a loved one, which includes a special Shuga engraved selfie stick, a power charger, Shuga t-shirt and much more.
Fancy winning one of these exclusive prizes? Of course you do! Well, all you have to do is answer all the questions below and then share a comment on what issue or episode you liked the most and why.
We will pick the five best comments to win a bag.
1) Sophie and Leo…
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2) Nii and Mary
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3) Tobi
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4) Femi and Sheila
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5) Weki and Leila
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6) Leila
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Now you’ve answered all the questions, remember to leave a comment on what issue or episode you liked the most.
Good luck!
comments (27)
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Blessing Daniel
The episode that I loved the most was the one where Sophie ends up getting shot
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Kabuye Bashir
sheila really inspires me with the way she doesn't stigmatize femi because of his hiv status. with the love she has towards femi, i now believe in true love. and for the episode i loved the most, it was when sheila was about to introduce femi to her parents and the uncle's comment kicked her off
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i like the fact that Sophie stood up for herself and didn't let her past get to her to let Leo had his way with her even when she wasn't ready, very impressive she stood up for herself
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i like the episode leo was sober and was trying to talk to sophie this means he realised his mistake and he trying to apologize for it.
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Bolarinwa Michael
I like Episode 3,the scene when Nii called Malaika 'stupid' because she forgot to buy an item at the supermarket. Malaika stood her ground and told Nii that she is not stupid. I love the scene because she spoke her mind for the first time to express her disgust for all the verbal abuse she has endured in the relationship,as I am an advocate of non-discrimination against women and eradication of spousal abuse.
Thanks for your comment Bolarinwa. No woman should take abuse - verbally or physically.
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waliu fagbemi
Hi MtvShuga,my favorite episode of shuga is 'S04 EP3' the episode where Femi revealed his HIV status to the world.That's,by far,the most inspiring thing I've seen on TV.I'm sure that move will make real life victims of HIV to feel less alone & it could also inspire them to reveal their status to thier loved ones.
You guyz are doing a fantastic job,more grease to ur elbow.....Hope i win!.
Shuga Admin
Thanks for sharing Waliu.
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waliu fagbemi
Hi MtvShuga,my favorite episode of shuga is 'S04 EP3' the episode where Femi revealed his HIV status to the world.That's,by far,the most inspiring thing I've seen on TV.I'm sure that that move will make 'real life' victims of HIV to feel less alone & it could also inspire them to reveal their status to their loved ones.
You guyz are doing a fantastic job,more grease to ur elbow.....Hope i win!.
This is a powerful scene. Revealing your status can be hard, but having the right support can make all the difference.
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Lydia Shakespeare
It's hard to choose which episode I liked the most. I'm addicted to the show and can't wait for the next season.
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'Deola Afuye
What's up MTVSHUGA.....my favorite shuga episode was season 3 episode
8,the scene where Maliaka summoned the courage to talk back at Nii.I
felt like giving her a HI-5 from my tv screen.She even went further by
letting Sophie know that she's living a bad lifestyle and she was a bad
influence 2 her life.
That scene was a moment of courage for Malaika. Good scene to choose. Thanks for sharing.
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Owoiya Hassan Adelajah
Hi...I never knew that there could be an element of comedy on the show until i saw the 5th episode of the 4th season(Picture Below).The part where the Matron asked Mary & her friend 'who wants to be having the sex?',that scene made me laugh so hard that i had teary-eyes.
Its ironic cause this is a woman/health practitioner that was suppose to sit those girls down and educate them about safe sex or abstaining from sex until marriage yet shes the one embarrassing the poor girls because they came to make an inquiry.......I hope to win & even if i don't pls grant this other request:LET THERE BE SHUGA SEASON 5
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the show. This scene is one of our favourites too. :)
morifi letabo
I would like to enter how and where do i download the video?Please help
Shuga Admin
You can get the full scripts here.
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Nana Osei
Bro. I agree with u. Even u mentioning it got me laffn my heart out.
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Samantha Banda
Hi one of my favourite episodes season 4 episode 2 when Sheila stands up to her family about her relationship with Femi, that was a powerful thing that she did it showed her commitment and loyalty.
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Princee Abdulkadir Lawal
Hi...mymy favouritefavorite episode is and will always be S04 episode 3. Where femi revealed his HIV status on t.v and also to the world. It is the most brave, fearles and bold step I have ever seen anyone take. I was so shocked that I kept asking myself "do people like this still exist??" It did encourage and will not only continue to inspire people living with HIV but also those having friends and family living with HIV to stay close to them and have faith in them.
I must commend and applause sheila because it was with her support femi made that move. She was so committed and loyal to femi and for the first time she made me believe in love not ordinary love but true love. If most ladies out there could be like her always standing by there man no matter the situation, no man will ever cheat and the world at large would be a better place
Thank you Princee for sharing your thoughts with us. It is a truly moving scene. It's great that it inspires you.
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Bolaji Olawale
Sophie for me is the definition of a life of an average African lady. Tobi is my kind of guy tho cause he's someone i can relate to
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Thanks Shugafam for voting and commenting. This months winners of a Shuga goodybag are: @princee_abdulkadir_lawal:disqus @bashk25:disqus @deolaafuye:disqus @bolarinwamichael:disqus and @owoiyahassanadelajah:disqus. To receive your goody bag, send your full name and address to info@mtvshuga.com. Do not post your address here...
Congratulations. And thanks to every who took part.
Owoiya Hassan Adelajah
Hello Shuga, the email provided for us to send our details is not functional. Kindly give us a link or another email where the details can be forwarded to. Thanks
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whats up shuga,the episode i liked the most was when Sophie was told by the doctor that she was HIV negative and she said ''thank God'' and starting packing lots of condoms,instead of her to totally abstain from sex.lol
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Niri Gwott
Hi mtv shuga. My best part was in season 3 were Shade finally allowed her son Weki to follow his dreams. People living with HIV should be given the opportunity to live a normal life like every other person. I see over protection as another form of stigmatization.
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Ngozi Gomenti
Hi MTVShuga, I love every episode of shuga because they all in one form or the other, pass a message to us from being a HIV patient to knowing how to treat people with the disease. It's really educating. Thumbs-up MTVSHUGA ...
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