MTV Shuga 4: Episode 6 Recap



MTV Shuga 4 started with a bang and definitely ended with one! Here’s a low down of what happened in the finale:
An angry and hurt Sophie can’t get over Leo attempting to rape her. But she puts that all aside to be there for Princess and her brand new baby boy. Princess is in love with her new baby but still has fears over being a good mother. Sophie promises to support her as much as necessary.
Sheila’s family tries to mend broken fences and extend an olive branch to her. Will Sheila eventually forgive her family for attempting to ruin her relationship with Femi?
Leila is also dealing with the idea of forgiveness. She misses Weki but is still hurt by his lack of honesty.
Nii invites Mary over to his house and she soon finds herself in a dangerous and uncomfortable situation. Nii expresses his true intentions and she realizes she is in over her head. But Nii refuses to take no for an answer and violently assaults Mary.
Mary returns home with bruises and Bongi is shocked by what happened and urges her to tell her mother. Mary’s mother is initially hesitant to press charges against Nii but Mary reminds her that he will take advantage of another young girl if he isn’t stopped. Mary’s mum finally musters the courage and she directs police officers to Nii’s house and he is arrested.
Shugafam, tell us what you think! Who do you think is to blame for Mary’s assault? What would you have done differently if you were Mary’s mum? Do you think Nii should be sent to jail?
Watch the full episode here. 


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