By Adebola Aduwo

One of our writers, Adebola Aduwo caught up with Mohau Cele to talk about #MTVShugaDS' current longest-serving character - Bongi. Mohau chats about what you can expect from Bongi this season and what it is that drives her as an actor.
Over the past few seasons, the adventurous Bongi has been on a journey and it was quite an experience watching her tackle so many phases. Moving from Lagos to Zenzele, adjusting to her new environment, falling in love with DJ Coalstove and becoming HIV positive; we definitely had one or two lessons to take home from Bongi’s story.
In this interview with Mohau Cele, MTV Shuga Down South’s Bongi, she shares her feelings about being back on the show for the brand new season.
How excited are you to have Bongi coming back to the show?
I’m very excited. More excited than the Shugafam, actually. This is a project that is very close to my heart. MTV Shuga Down South season 1 was great. The feedback we got from the fans and how it changed their lives… that was amazing. I believe MTV Shuga Down South season 2 will do the same and even better. It has been impactful. It is a South African story told by South Africans and it’s better than anything you’ll watch on South African television.
Bongi was on MTV Shuga Down South 1, MTV Shuga Naija and now, she’ll be on Down South 2. What is the biggest difference that we’ll see in your character this time around?
In life generally, we grow. She’s more mature now, if I may say so. She’s learnt from season 1. She’s grown – she handles herself and tackles situations differently. We all know she’s HIV+. This time, we get to see the challenges a young person goes through when they are HIV+.
In Down South season 2, does Bongi have a strong support system around her?
I guess that’s one thing we all need – a support system. She does have a support system but she doesn’t even know it. There are times when you feel alone until people show you that you’re not. That’s a lesson that young people will take home from this season. We should also learn to recognize when people are in need of support.
I’m glad that Bongi is back and I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us this season. Stay glued to all our social media platforms for more information on the new Shuga Down South season. You don’t want to miss out on all the exciting surprises we have for you!
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