#MTVShugaNaija Wins Again!


By MTV Shuga Admin


MTV Shuga Naija won two prizes at last week's World Media Festivals in Hamburg, Germany. Should we order a new trophy cabinet now?

MTV Shuga has done it again! The month of May has ended on an incredibly high note after MTV Shuga walked away with an incredible tally of FOUR awards from this year’s Television & Corporate Media Awards which took place in Hamburg this year. Can we get a whoop whoop?

The TV and Corporate Awards are one of two ceremonies which take place every year at the World Media Festivals (the second of which is dedicated to achievements in Tourism and Media). The TV and Corporate Media segment (according to their website) aims to:

“…honour and celebrate outstanding television and corporate media solutions on an international scale including audiovisual, print and online productions from areas such as information, education and entertainment with an emphasis on how effectively the specified target group is being addressed.”

Our award-winning 2018 edition of MTV Shuga Naija took away two massive awards on the night in the education and entertainment categories, adding another feather to the cap of what was an incredible season. Meanwhile, our parent organization, The MTV Staying Alive Foundation also won an impressive two prizes for their impactful work in educating the world on safe sex and promoting the rights of women around the world.

An elated Georgia Arnold, who serves as the Executive Director of MTV Staying Alive and Executive Producer of MTV Shuga led the way in congratulating the hardworking teams when she took to Instagram to say,

“Well. That was an embarrassment of riches. Not 1 Gold Award. Not 2 Gold Awards. But 3 (T H R E E!!!) Gold Awards. And if that wasn’t enough, we also won the
G R A N D Award too. Thank you World Media Group”

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Well. That was an embarrassment of riches. Not 1 Gold Award. Not 2 Gold Awards. But 3 (T H R E E!!!) Gold Awards. And if that wasn’t enough, we also won the G R A N D Award too. Thank you @worldmediagroup_and_awards and @mtvshuganaija_ @mtvstayingalive and @mtvbreaks teams: 🙌🏽🥰💪🏽👏🏽

A post shared by Georgia Arnold (@georgiaarnold99) on

Here are the awards that #MTVShugaNaija won on the night:


MTV Shuga Naija

Category: Education


MTV Shuga Naija

Category: Education – Entertainment


Dream Land – Ride with Protection

Category: Advertising – Public Service Announcements


International Women’s Day

Category: Public Relations – Social Responsibility

We took a moment to speak to #MTVShugaNaija’s marketing and digital coordinator, Bolade Ogunfuye, beamed with pride when learning we had won these two awards. He said,

“I am extremely proud of the win because it shows that people recognise what we do and how we tell amazing stories. It shows how we can help young people make better decisions so it’s great to be recognised.”

MTV Shuga Naija auditions have already taken place and the newest season will be arriving “soon” if what we are hearing is true! With this in mind, we quizzed Bolade on whether or not he thinks the upcoming season will also win an award:

I Most definitely see us winning more awards. The thing with awards is, it’s great to win them, to celebrate them  and then quickly get started on the work required to do even better next time.”

With all this being said, is it time for us to invest in a bigger trophy cabinet?

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